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Pavers are a popular choice for backyard patios. They provide a beautiful, custom paving solution that installs quickly and is ready for use as soon as the project is complete. Pavers allow for a lot of design creativity and can be used on small or large patios. Patio pavers are made of concrete, brick or stone. They come in a variety of shapes and colors. However, the real draw of pavers is that they can be laid in striking patterns.

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Never Dull

Precast concrete pavers have without question the largest range of shapes and sizes available in a single material. The lovely curved steps are enhanced by a series of bands in the paving that accentuate the geometry of the space. These large light tone pavers are further emphasized by a pair of dark bands of brick like pavers set on edge that may disguise slot inlets to an underground trench drain. Fields beyond are composed of four different pavers, square and rectangular, buff tones and steel gray which stand out in striking contrast against the rigid step masonry. While so much variety in a limited space may seem overdone in concept, here in practice we learn that it is clearly not so.

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Paver Patterns

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Paver Pictures

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