Side Yard Petscaping for Turtles
Get turtle petscaping ideas and see how this side yard was transformed with a paver patio and low barrier gate.
A video transcript featuring Scott Cohen, The Green Scene
One of the important things to this particular client was to make sure we accommodated their pets in the backyard. Pets are people too, especially in today's day and age. So what we did for their tortoise is create a tortoise crossing sign, and this keeps the tortoise locked in the backyard, and it's kind of whimsical and entertaining for family fun and guests. Side yards are so often forgotten, but this one actually became a petscape.
Petscaping is training in landscape design with your pets in mind. In this case, their pet is a tortoise, and so what we did was carve up this paver patio with the tortoise design in it, and we created a tortoise crossing so that the tortoise can't actually get out of the side yard into the backyard. Tortoises can make great pets, but remember you're making a long commitment there because they can live to be 75 years old.