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Landscaping Videos

Patio Sizing & Placement Tips

Get patio sizing tips and see how much space is needed to accommodate different types of patio furniture.

A video transcript featuring Scott Cohen, The Green Scene

When you're laying out your outdoor patios, you want to make sure you take into account the size of the furnishings that you intend to use in that space. Patio furniture seems to be getting larger and larger in scale, so it's a good idea to do a little shopping for your patio furniture and lay it out ahead of time before you size your patios.

In this case, we used a table and four chairs. It's a 48-inch table. You want to leave a minimum of 10 feet, 6 inches for a table and four chairs. That's your minimum. If you want to have walk-around space, you need another 2 or 3 feet around that. In this case, we've got a 14-foot-diameter patio, and the patio is offset from the back of the house. It's back farther in the yard to get people to utilize the whole space. We're adjacent to an outdoor kitchen here, so you can get your food right here, sit down at the table, and enjoy your meal.

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