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Landscaping Videos

Bluestone Patio Design & Sizing

Learn the benefits of using bluestone for a patio

A video transcript featuring Ive Haugeland, Shades of Green Landscape Architecture

The patio floor here is about 15 by 50 feet, and instead of just doing straight edges, we did very jagged edges to get the plants to kind of creep in from the sides. It makes it a little more interesting and it makes it softer, and the nice difference between the hard stone and the soft plants is really pretty.

Advantages of bluestoneBluestone is perfect to use for outdoors. It's slip resistant and even around pools and around water you can use it safely. This is an actual pattern, and it's made up with stones of squares and rectangles in different sizes set together. The stone that's used here is a full-range bluestone, which means it has the colors of blues and purples and browns and greens.

Stone thicknessThis patio was set on a concrete base and then a 1-inch bluestone was laid over it. Another way of doing it is to use a thicker bluestone. If you do a 2-inch bluestone, you can put it on sand. Costwise, it's usually a wash. It's more or less the same.

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