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  • A patio made with one color of Narrow Modular Pavers.
  • Since BamDeck is exceptionally strong, it holds up well to dog traffic.
  • BamDeck comes in three colors: caramel (pictured), coffee and slate.
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Do you know The Flintstones theme song by heart? Come on you know you're already humming - don't be ashamed to admit it, you got a kick out of watching the modern Stone Age family ride in their foot powered car and play their animal instruments. Whether or not you were a fan of Fred, Wilma, Pebbles, Barney, Betty and Bamm-Bamm, you're sure to be a fan of BamDeck, a new composite decking product from Cali Bamboo.

BamDeck Composite Bamboo Decking is made of 100% recycled materials - 60% bamboo fibers and 40% plastic. The bamboo composite is denser and stronger than other wood composites on the market. This means that it will last longer and require less maintenance. When compared with other composites, BamDeck is also more slip resistant, absorbs less water and is less flammable.

Available in three colors, three surface choices and nine installation looks, Bam Deck is sure to look great in any yard or garden. BamDeck can be used to build a deck of nearly any shape or size, it can also be used for stairs, ramps and bridges. Additionally, it is a great option for getting the look of wood around a pool because it does not absorb as much water as other composites.

After installation of a BamDeck, virtually no maintenance is required. You'll have a beautiful deck that will last for years and leave you and your family to have a yabba dabba doo time, just like the Flintstones.

Landscaping Network

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