Landscaping Around Foundations
How footings and construction remnants influence root depth and drainage in landscape design
Water features are a great solution for areas where retaining wall footings make it difficult for plants to root deeply.
Foundations are composed of concrete footings underground. Large footings can present major constraints to a design because they influence root depth and underground drainage. It is impenetrable to planting and water may actually pool on top of the footing. Concrete itself can cause difficulties for plants such as azaleas that prefer acidic soil. Lime in concrete that gradually leaches out of the footing causes the soil in the immediate area to become unusually alkaline.
Older homesites can also suffer from remnants of long demolished buildings or additions. If there have been changes to your homesite over the years (or centuries), it is possible you may encounter this during construction, which can force unplanned-for field changes. It's always better to dig a few test holes during the design process to avoid such unexpected changes later on.
Foundation LandscapingLearn about foundation watering and get tips for preventing foundation damage.