Backyard Badminton Court

For a backyard badminton court you will need a flat, smooth space that is approximately 44 feet long and 20 feet wide.
Badminton, a popular backyard recreational activity, is a racket sport that can be played with singles or doubles. The object of the game is to hit a shuttlecock, or birdy, over a raised net so that your opponent is unable to return it. Because of the feathered nature of the shuttlecock wind makes it difficult to play, so if you have a windy yard this may not be the right backyard sport for you.
An outdoor badminton court needs to have a smooth, level surface that stays dry. Trimmed grass works fine for badminton, but if you want something more official you can opt for polymer sport tiles.
Badminton Court Dimensions:
- 44 feet by 20 feet
- 30 feet of vertical clearance, no tree branches
- Net is five feet tall in center
Contributing Author: Scott Cohen, contributing writer for Landscaping Network and owner of The Green Scene |